Delaware County - Interlocal Community Action Program ( Energy Assistance, Weatherization, Family Development, Individual Development Accounts, and Emergency Services for individual at 200% of poverty level. Contact Jane Jenkins at or 765-288-8732
Chances and Services for Youth – Every Child. Every Age. Every Chance. ( Chances And Services for Youth (CASY) is the Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency serving Wayne County. We serve families, child care providers, and communities to enhance accessibility and affordability of child care, while promoting quality child care across Central Indiana. One of the core CCR&R services is providing families with consumer education, referrals, and support to find a child care program that best meets the needs of the family. These referrals are available free of charge and for children birth to 13. Contact Jennifer Lee at or 800-886-3952 M-F 9am-5pm.
Autism Society of Indiana : Autism Society of Indiana The Autism Society of Indiana (ASI) exists to ensure that every individual and every family affected by autism in the State of Indiana receives the high-quality services they deserve. Contact or 800-609-8449
NAMI of Delaware County ( Support Group for people living with mental illness and their family and friends. Website has many resources for educating and promoting awareness of mental illness for the general public. Educational programs are scheduled throughout the year targeting specific audiences and some are available online to be completed at the user's own pace. Eligibility: people with mental illness and their family and friends, anyone seeking to educate themselves on topics of mental illness. All instruction and course materials are free to class participants. Meets first Monday of every month from 630p-8p. Contact Jennifer Hopper at or 765-748-2271 The family resource center is here to support families with various services, from parenting and safety education, to accessing essentials like food, hygiene products, diapers, and more. We connect families with local resources to enhance family wellbeing and prevent crises. The FRC is a safe and welcoming space where families can learn, connect, and get the personalized assistance they need. Together, we foster a strong community and empower parents to overcome challenges. There is a computer lab, kids play room, a relaxation room, and a employment room. There are no eligibility requirements. Families can access everything the FRC offers for free.
Contact: or 765-729-5845 Safe Sleep Education: Expecting Parents or Parents/Caregivers with Infant under 1 year. Contact: or 765-729-5845